Cause & Organization Fundraisers
Raise Funds for Your Cause!Name Brands Like Little Caesars® and Otis Spunkmeyer® make fundraising easy, profitable, and even fun!
Have you considered Little Caesars or Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraising for your cause or organization? You might want to.
There are many causes out there that need monetary support, such as Cancer Research, Organ Donation, Volunteer Fire Rescue, Civic Organizations, non-profits and more. Little Caesars® Pizza Kits and Otis Spunkmeyer are hugely popular name brands that people love, which makes it easy to raise money for your cause.
We have a passion for helping you to help others through fundraising. Even the smallest groups are able to raise money using Little Caesars Pizza Kits very quickly with a profit of $6 per product sold! Use Little Caesars Online ordering for easy, touch-free selling. Call us at 724-238-3470 or sign up to learn more.

How Long Will it Take to Deliver My Fundraiser Products?
Start Selling! We recommend 2 weeks for selling and about a week for Pizza Kits turnaround, slightly longer for cookies. Your delivery is free and a delivery date will be scheduled by us and approved by you in advance.
Our Team Will Help You Sell.
Take advantage or our fundraising experience! We will not only provide your fundraising products, but our team acts as a local consultative service for your group at no extra charge to you. We believe that you are the hero when it comes to raising money for your. When raising money is necessary, it’s important to keep things easy and fun. That’s why we choose to raise funds with name brands that are nationally and internationally recognized, and that everyone already loves!

Little Caesars® Pizza Kits
Little Caesars® Pizza Kits are a value priced fundraiser delivering restaurant quality pizzas in the convenience of your own home.

Otis Spunkmeyer® Cookie Dough
Our Otis Spunkmeyer® fundraising cookie dough is pre-portioned and packaged for freshness and flavor.
Arts & Performance
Anyone who has been involved in a performance or art-based program knows that the funding leaves something to be desired. We can help you to get those uniforms and ease the pressure of trying to raise funds while also learning routines and competing.
A shortage of funding can put a damper on your sporting season of choice. Allow us to help you obtain the funds that you need for travel and competition, so that you and your students can keep your eyes on the ball and heads in the game.
Groups & Clubs
We have helped groups ranging from church youth and non-school sports to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, dance teams and community groups. Wherever there is a lack of funding, our programs are extremely successful in bridging the gap.
We are proud to have been involved in many fundraising teams for causes from cancer research, and organ donation to community groups such as volunteer fire departments. Raising money for a good cause doesn’t have to be difficult!