Our online-only Little Caesars fundraiser has only been available since October – and wow! – what a fantastic response. We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about it and welcome you to give us a call at 1-866-706-0789. Every time we speak with a new group leader, I’m always amazed by the ways people are using their Virtual Little Caesars sale to reach results.
What do people LOVE about this Little Caesars Fundraising idea?
It’s SO easy! No order forms, no tallying, no money collection and NO delivery day. Every order is placed and shipped via FedEx directly to the customer. Your group communicates about the program, sends the ordering information to friends and family and receives a check from Little Caesars.
This Little Caesars Fundraiser will be the Easiest, Highest-quality and Most Convenient Fundraiser you will EVER DO!
If you want to learn more about the Virtual Little Caesars program with home delivery…check out this really informative PDF. CLICK HERE to get more information on the Little Caesars Virtual Fundraising Program…and then call us at 1-866-706-0789 or visit fill in this quick form to get started.
Was talking to a group leader today from a community organization. She was looking for virtual fundraising options for her group of adults. Now, for the first time friends and family anywhere in the USA can support her group. Imagine: send a link, communicate your cause. An order is placed and shipped via FedEx right to the customer – or wherever they want. Have you thought about the possibility of your supporters placing an order online and donating their shipment to a local food pantry? Neither had I until this group leader mentioned it. Her group profits, the food band benefits and everyone is left with a real win.
If you want to get started with a virtual fundraiser that makes a difference choose the Virtual Fundraising Program from Little Caesars! Call us at 1-866-706-0789 to get started in minutes!